Sunday, October 5, 2014


 This past week we said goodbye to our study of "Community Helpers" and began our study of Russia. Mrs, Judy has been to Russia more than 20 times so she came in to share some information about their culture and give them some background on our first craft project for Russia, wooden spoons. 
 They are all painted with shiny black lacquered paint, with beautiful gold and red designs, They are used as musical instruments.

 The children were also treated to Ice Cream this week, Mrs. Judy explained how all over the streets of Russia there are people selling ice cream. We had two little sellers for the effect. They learned the Russian word for ice cream, unfortunately I do not have the correct characters on my keyboard to type it, but you can see it on the sign. Or ask the children, I am sure they will remember.

 We have had several special coloring pages, we are stressing the importance of not scribbling and they are all doing a good job.

On Friday they got to take their completed spoons to music and play them for everyone, it was so fun!

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