Friday, September 26, 2014

Science week 4 "Pop Rockets"

Week 4 of science we celebrated our letter of the week (P) with "Pop Rockets". This was also our first week we used goggles. Don't they look official?  
Take film canisters, add water, a quarter of an alka-seltzer tablet, lid.....wait for the pressure to build and "pop" off flies the lid. 


Another successful week of science!

Pediatrician visit

Our final visit came from a parent in another class, he taught all the children about being a pediatrician. 
He was so fun and the everyone enjoyed his visit. He even brought his stuffed Teddy,Junior.
Thank you!

Lawyer visit

Jonathan's dad, Jonathan came to tell the class about being a lawyer. 
He did a great job and offered his services next time they get in trouble at school. :)                 
Thank you!!

Science Lab #3

 So week 3, we experimented with dry ice. After all, our letter of the week was D. We discussed how water turns to water turns to ice, then back to water when it melts. So then they got to see how Carbon Dioxide goes from a gas to frozen back to a gas. 
 Then for fun we added bubbles, well because everyone loves bubbles. enjoy!

 then they recorded their observations.

Last weeks classroom visitors

We continued our study of community helpers last week and made these cute firemen to hang in our classroom.
We had our first of two classroom visitors as well. Dr. Gravley came to talk to our class and tell them about being an anesthesiologist. 
They were all very attentive and everyone enjoyed getting to see the  special things she wears into surgery.

Everyone even got their lungs checked to make sure everything was clear.:)
Thank you so much for the visit!! 
 Later in the week Emmett's Dad, Don came to teach the children about being a doctor in the Air Force.
 teaching them to salute.

 and belly crawl. Which they all got a kick out of as you can imagine.

 The cool poster he brought, Thank you so much!!